Monday, July 27, 2009

Cognitive Psychology

The human mind works in a consistent way. Mapping the mind in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a lot like mapping a computer. One reaction leads to another, and one neural pathway triggers the next. It is like a giant, electronic circuit board.

Scientists first found similarities between computers and the human mind when they mapped reaction times between words. They would ask subjects to press a buzzer when similar words were shown, and then measure the time interval between words to show the complexity of the neural pathway the thought process had to take.

For instance, by showing a word such as Animal and then Dog, and measuring the time it takes for people to react, we have a control. Next, they would show a world like Animal, and then Mammal, and wait for the reaction. By testing Mammal and then Dog, and then Animal and then Bird, and finally Mammal and then Bird, it is possible to identify the route that information travels along the brain, in terms of delays in timing.

In this way, psychologists have been able to determine that thoughts and emotions move along neural pathways much like electricity. And in the same way you can mend a damaged circuit, it is possible to mend a psychological block, such as depression, addiction or insomnia.

To talk to us more about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, click here: Toronto Psychologist link.

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